Monday, June 7, 2010

A Friend's Generosity

We have a friend that has a garden each year. It is strictly a hobby with him. He and his wife eat very little from the garden. The rest is given to family and friends or anyone willing to come and do the harvesting.

One Saturday afternoon, CY and I picked all of these beans. Mother wanted to help soooo bad. She even ventured into the garden over many protests and picked one bean just because she has always picked beans and done the canning. It's hard for her to give up. She will be 89 in July and is having issues with blood sugar.

These beans made 13 quarts of canned beans and I cooked about 3 quarts. They didn't last very long.

FRESH VEGETABLES.......a wonderful gift.


  1. They look so good! I love fresh beans and I remember from years past that the home canned ones taste so much better than anything you can get at the grocery store. We don't have anything like that in the gardens here yet but I will be getting some when they have them. I don't garden or can as for just one it isn't worth it, but I do love fresh green beans.

  2. That's awesome! I wish we could grow something other than weeds down here in this sand! :-)
