A friend gave us a grocery bag full of squash. This was the beginning of our love affair with our fryer. I have used this appliance in the past but NEVER like we are using it now.
CY and I have embarked upon a season of "living outside of the box" and no one can think outside of the box like my husband can.
Soon after the gift was gone, our own squash started producing. We have fried squash for every meal when there was a squash to be found.
We have had squash for breakfast, lunch and dinner, all on the same day. We even tried fried squash and egg sandwiches. Quite tasty.
We have eaten so many, that there have been none to freeze so far.
I slice the squash into rounds, dip in buttermilk, coat with a flour/cornmeal/spice mixture, put into fryer until golden brown and then pig out.
I am excited about this time in our life. We are child like. Our minds aren't as focused on the things of this world. I personally seem to be looking through rose colored glasses. CY's memory keeps him confused. We laugh at ourselves a lot.
Fried Squash......presently our food of choice